Schema Reference
Use this schema reference to understand what fields are available to be imported.
Download sample header files
You can find and download samples of each of our header files here.
The customers of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Customer ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the customer |
first_name | First name | string | No | No | The first name of the customer |
last_name | Last name | string | No | No | The last name of the customer |
email_address | Email address | string | No | Yes | The email address of the customer |
phone_number | Phone number | string | No | No | The phone number of the customer |
birthday | Birthday | date | No | No | The birthday of the customer |
tags | Tags | string-list | No | No | The tags for the customer |
default_address_line_1 | Address line 1 | string | No | No | The first line of the customer's address |
default_address_line_2 | Address line 2 | string | No | No | The second line of the customer's address |
default_address_city | City | string | No | No | The city of the customer's address |
default_address_province | State/province | string | No | No | The state or province of the customer's address |
default_address_postal_code | Postal code | string | No | No | The postal code of the customer's address |
default_address_country | Country | string | No | No | The country of the customer's address |
email_marketing_subscription_status | Email marketing consent | enum | No | No | Whether the customer has consented to receive email marketing |
email_marketing_subscription_timestamp | Email marketing consent timestamp | date | No | No | The date the customer's email marketing consent was last updated |
sms_marketing_subscription_status | SMS marketing consent | enum | No | No | Whether the customer has consented to receive SMS marketing |
sms_marketing_subscription_timestamp | SMS marketing consent timestamp | date | No | No | The date the customer's SMS marketing consent was last updated |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the customer was created |
updated_at | Date updated | date | No | No | The date the customer was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the customer was deleted |
Staff members
The staff members of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Staff member ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the staff member |
first_name | First name | string | No | No | The first name of the staff member |
last_name | Last name | string | No | No | The last name of the staff member |
email_address | Email address | string | No | Yes | The email address of the staff member |
phone_number | Phone number | string | No | No | The phone number of the staff member |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the staff member was created |
updated_at | Date updated | date | No | No | The date the staff member was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the staff member was deleted |
The locations of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Location ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the location |
name | Name | string | No | No | The name of the location |
type | Type | enum | Yes | No | The type of the location |
address_line_1 | Address line 1 | string | No | No | The first line of the address of the location |
address_line_2 | Address line 2 | string | No | No | The second line of the address of the location |
address_city | Address city | string | No | No | The city of the address of the location |
address_province | Address state/province | string | No | No | The state/province of the address of the location |
address_postal_code | Address postal code | string | No | No | The postal code of the address of the location |
address_country | Address country | string | No | No | The country of the address of the location |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the location was created |
updated_at | Date last updated | date | No | No | The date the location was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the location was deleted |
The products of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Product ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the product |
title | Title | string | Yes | No | The title of the product |
description_html | Description | string | No | No | The description of the product |
available_for_sale | Available for sale | boolean | No | No | Whether the product is available for sale |
vendor | Vendor | string | No | No | The vendor of the product |
sku | SKU | string | No | No | The SKU of the product |
type | Type | string-list | No | No | The type of the product |
tags | Tags | string-list | No | No | The tags of the product |
slug | Website URL slug | string | No | No | The website URL slug of the product (for example, '/product-name-123') |
primary_image_url | Primary image URL | string | No | No | The URL of the primary image of the product |
additional_image_url_1 | Additional image URL 1 | string | No | No | The URL of the first additional image of the product |
additional_image_url_2 | Additional image URL 2 | string | No | No | The URL of the second additional image of the product |
additional_image_url_3 | Additional image URL 3 | string | No | No | The URL of the third additional image of the product |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the product was created |
updated_at | Date last updated | date | No | No | The date the product was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the product was deleted |
Product variants
The variants of the products of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Product variant ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the product variant |
product_id | Product ID | string | Yes | No | The unique identifier for the product |
title | Title | string | Yes | No | The title of the product variant |
description_html | Description | string | No | No | The description of the product variant |
barcode | Barcode / UPC | string | No | No | The barcode or UPC of the product variant |
vendor | Vendor | string | No | No | The vendor of the product variant |
sku | SKU | string | No | No | The SKU of the product variant |
type | Type | string-list | No | No | The type of the product variant |
tags | Tags | string-list | No | No | The tags of the product |
option_1_key | Option 1 name | string | No | No | The name of the 1st option of the product variant |
option_1_value | Option 1 value | string | No | No | The value of the 1st option of the product variant |
option_2_key | Option 2 name | string | No | No | The name of the 2nd option of the product variant |
option_2_value | Option 2 value | string | No | No | The value of the 2nd option of the product variant |
option_3_key | Option 3 name | string | No | No | The name of the 3rd option of the product variant |
option_3_value | Option 3 value | string | No | No | The value of the 3rd option of the product variant |
currency_code | Currency | enum | Yes | No | The currency of the product variant |
current_price | Current price | number | Yes | No | The current price of the product variant |
compare_at_price | Original price | number | No | No | The original price of the product variant |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the product variant was created |
updated_at | Date last updated | date | No | No | The date the product variant was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the product variant was deleted |
The purchases of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Purchase ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the purchase |
processed_by_user_id | Processed by User ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the user that processed the purchase |
assisted_by_user_ids | Assisted by User IDs | string-list | No | No | The unique identifier for the users that assisted with the purchase |
location_id | Location ID | string | Yes | No | The unique identifier for the location where the purchase was made |
customer_id | Customer ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the customer |
order_number | Order number | string | No | No | The order number of the purchase |
discount_codes | Discount codes | string-list | No | No | The discount codes of the purchase |
tags | Tags | string-list | No | No | The tags of the purchase |
channel | Channel | enum | Yes | No | The channel of the purchase |
currency_code | Currency | enum | Yes | No | The currency of the purchase |
subtotal_amount | Subtotal amount | number | No | No | The subtotal amount of the purchase |
total_discount_amount | Total discount amount | number | No | No | The total discount amount of the purchase |
total_shipping_amount | Total shipping amount | number | No | No | The total shipping amount of the purchase |
total_tax_amount | Total tax amount | number | No | No | The total tax amount of the purchase |
total_amount | Total amount | number | Yes | No | The total amount of the purchase |
processed_at | Date order placed | date | Yes | No | The date the purchase occurred (may be different from the date created) |
cancelled_at | Date cancelled | date | No | No | The date the purchase was cancelled |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the purchase was created |
updated_at | Date last updated | date | No | No | The date the purchase was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the purchase was deleted |
Purchase line items
The line items of the purchases of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Purchase line item ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the purchase item |
order_id | Purchase ID | string | Yes | No | The unique identifier for the purchase |
product_id | Product ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the product |
product_variant_id | Product variant ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the product variant |
quantity | Quantity | number | Yes | No | The quantity of the purchase line item |
sku | SKU | string | No | No | The SKU of the purchase line item |
title | Title | string | No | No | The title of the purchase line item |
vendor | Vendor | string | No | No | The vendor of the purchase line item |
currency_code | Currency | enum | Yes | No | The currency of the purchase line item (must be the same as the currency of the purchase) |
price | Item price | number | Yes | No | The price of a single item of the purchase line item |
The refunds of the integration
Column | Name | Type | Required | Unique | Description |
id | Refund ID | string | Yes | Yes | The unique identifier for the refund |
original_order_id | Refunded purchase ID | string | Yes | No | The unique identifier for the purchase that was refunded |
original_order_item_id | Refunded purchase line item ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the purchase line item that was refunded |
product_id | Product ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the product |
product_variant_id | Product variant ID | string | No | No | The unique identifier for the product variant |
quantity | Quantity | number | Yes | No | The quantity of the purchase line item that was refunded |
currency_code | Currency | enum | Yes | No | The currency of the refund |
refund_amount | Refund amount | number | Yes | No | The amount of the refund |
processed_at | Date refunded | date | No | No | The date the refund occurred |
created_at | Date created | date | No | No | The date the refund was created |
updated_at | Date last updated | date | No | No | The date the refund was last updated |
deleted_at | Date deleted | date | No | No | The date the refund was deleted |
Updated about 19 hours ago