Schema Reference

Use this schema reference to understand what fields are available to be imported.

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You can find and download samples of each of our header files here.


The customers of the integration

idCustomer IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the customer
first_nameFirst namestringNoNoThe first name of the customer
last_nameLast namestringNoNoThe last name of the customer
email_addressEmail addressstringNoYesThe email address of the customer
phone_numberPhone numberstringNoNoThe phone number of the customer
birthdayBirthdaydateNoNoThe birthday of the customer
tagsTagsstring-listNoNoThe tags for the customer
default_address_line_1Address line 1stringNoNoThe first line of the customer's address
default_address_line_2Address line 2stringNoNoThe second line of the customer's address
default_address_cityCitystringNoNoThe city of the customer's address
default_address_provinceState/provincestringNoNoThe state or province of the customer's address
default_address_postal_codePostal codestringNoNoThe postal code of the customer's address
default_address_countryCountrystringNoNoThe country of the customer's address
email_marketing_subscription_statusEmail marketing consentenumNoNoWhether the customer has consented to receive email marketing
email_marketing_subscription_timestampEmail marketing consent timestampdateNoNoThe date the customer's email marketing consent was last updated
sms_marketing_subscription_statusSMS marketing consentenumNoNoWhether the customer has consented to receive SMS marketing
sms_marketing_subscription_timestampSMS marketing consent timestampdateNoNoThe date the customer's SMS marketing consent was last updated
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the customer was created
updated_atDate updateddateNoNoThe date the customer was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the customer was deleted

Staff members

The staff members of the integration

idStaff member IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the staff member
first_nameFirst namestringNoNoThe first name of the staff member
last_nameLast namestringNoNoThe last name of the staff member
email_addressEmail addressstringNoYesThe email address of the staff member
phone_numberPhone numberstringNoNoThe phone number of the staff member
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the staff member was created
updated_atDate updateddateNoNoThe date the staff member was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the staff member was deleted


The locations of the integration

idLocation IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the location
nameNamestringNoNoThe name of the location
typeTypeenumYesNoThe type of the location
address_line_1Address line 1stringNoNoThe first line of the address of the location
address_line_2Address line 2stringNoNoThe second line of the address of the location
address_cityAddress citystringNoNoThe city of the address of the location
address_provinceAddress state/provincestringNoNoThe state/province of the address of the location
address_postal_codeAddress postal codestringNoNoThe postal code of the address of the location
address_countryAddress countrystringNoNoThe country of the address of the location
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the location was created
updated_atDate last updateddateNoNoThe date the location was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the location was deleted


The products of the integration

idProduct IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the product
titleTitlestringYesNoThe title of the product
description_htmlDescriptionstringNoNoThe description of the product
available_for_saleAvailable for salebooleanNoNoWhether the product is available for sale
vendorVendorstringNoNoThe vendor of the product
skuSKUstringNoNoThe SKU of the product
typeTypestring-listNoNoThe type of the product
tagsTagsstring-listNoNoThe tags of the product
slugWebsite URL slugstringNoNoThe website URL slug of the product (for example, '/product-name-123')
primary_image_urlPrimary image URLstringNoNoThe URL of the primary image of the product
additional_image_url_1Additional image URL 1stringNoNoThe URL of the first additional image of the product
additional_image_url_2Additional image URL 2stringNoNoThe URL of the second additional image of the product
additional_image_url_3Additional image URL 3stringNoNoThe URL of the third additional image of the product
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the product was created
updated_atDate last updateddateNoNoThe date the product was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the product was deleted

Product variants

The variants of the products of the integration

idProduct variant IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the product variant
product_idProduct IDstringYesNoThe unique identifier for the product
titleTitlestringYesNoThe title of the product variant
description_htmlDescriptionstringNoNoThe description of the product variant
barcodeBarcode / UPCstringNoNoThe barcode or UPC of the product variant
vendorVendorstringNoNoThe vendor of the product variant
skuSKUstringNoNoThe SKU of the product variant
typeTypestring-listNoNoThe type of the product variant
tagsTagsstring-listNoNoThe tags of the product
option_1_keyOption 1 namestringNoNoThe name of the 1st option of the product variant
option_1_valueOption 1 valuestringNoNoThe value of the 1st option of the product variant
option_2_keyOption 2 namestringNoNoThe name of the 2nd option of the product variant
option_2_valueOption 2 valuestringNoNoThe value of the 2nd option of the product variant
option_3_keyOption 3 namestringNoNoThe name of the 3rd option of the product variant
option_3_valueOption 3 valuestringNoNoThe value of the 3rd option of the product variant
currency_codeCurrencyenumYesNoThe currency of the product variant
current_priceCurrent pricenumberYesNoThe current price of the product variant
compare_at_priceOriginal pricenumberNoNoThe original price of the product variant
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the product variant was created
updated_atDate last updateddateNoNoThe date the product variant was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the product variant was deleted


The purchases of the integration

idPurchase IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the purchase
processed_by_user_idProcessed by User IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the user that processed the purchase
assisted_by_user_idsAssisted by User IDsstring-listNoNoThe unique identifier for the users that assisted with the purchase
location_idLocation IDstringYesNoThe unique identifier for the location where the purchase was made
customer_idCustomer IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the customer
order_numberOrder numberstringNoNoThe order number of the purchase
discount_codesDiscount codesstring-listNoNoThe discount codes of the purchase
tagsTagsstring-listNoNoThe tags of the purchase
channelChannelenumYesNoThe channel of the purchase
currency_codeCurrencyenumYesNoThe currency of the purchase
subtotal_amountSubtotal amountnumberNoNoThe subtotal amount of the purchase
total_discount_amountTotal discount amountnumberNoNoThe total discount amount of the purchase
total_shipping_amountTotal shipping amountnumberNoNoThe total shipping amount of the purchase
total_tax_amountTotal tax amountnumberNoNoThe total tax amount of the purchase
total_amountTotal amountnumberYesNoThe total amount of the purchase
processed_atDate order placeddateYesNoThe date the purchase occurred (may be different from the date created)
cancelled_atDate cancelleddateNoNoThe date the purchase was cancelled
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the purchase was created
updated_atDate last updateddateNoNoThe date the purchase was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the purchase was deleted

Purchase line items

The line items of the purchases of the integration

idPurchase line item IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the purchase item
order_idPurchase IDstringYesNoThe unique identifier for the purchase
product_idProduct IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the product
product_variant_idProduct variant IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the product variant
quantityQuantitynumberYesNoThe quantity of the purchase line item
skuSKUstringNoNoThe SKU of the purchase line item
titleTitlestringNoNoThe title of the purchase line item
vendorVendorstringNoNoThe vendor of the purchase line item
currency_codeCurrencyenumYesNoThe currency of the purchase line item (must be the same as the currency of the purchase)
priceItem pricenumberYesNoThe price of a single item of the purchase line item


The refunds of the integration

idRefund IDstringYesYesThe unique identifier for the refund
original_order_idRefunded purchase IDstringYesNoThe unique identifier for the purchase that was refunded
original_order_item_idRefunded purchase line item IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the purchase line item that was refunded
product_idProduct IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the product
product_variant_idProduct variant IDstringNoNoThe unique identifier for the product variant
quantityQuantitynumberYesNoThe quantity of the purchase line item that was refunded
currency_codeCurrencyenumYesNoThe currency of the refund
refund_amountRefund amountnumberYesNoThe amount of the refund
processed_atDate refundeddateNoNoThe date the refund occurred
created_atDate createddateNoNoThe date the refund was created
updated_atDate last updateddateNoNoThe date the refund was last updated
deleted_atDate deleteddateNoNoThe date the refund was deleted